Please contact Canada's Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. David Butler-Jones:
Ask the Doctor how many Within Subject Design studies (google it) they have used to justify their current "immunization" position. The answer should be approximately zero ...
Also ask the Chief Pubilc Health Officer if current population based designs, using randomized, placebo controlled, double-blind controls can identify a causal variable (such as MASS) that triggers multiple and indeterminate disease outcomes throughout capillary networks.
PHAC's second answer should also be no.
The first link is a CBS VNR promoting two peer-reviewed studies from one of the world's elite pediatric journals. The Journal of Pediatrics. Note the studies conclusions ... Mercury containing vaccines is associated "with improved behavior and mental performance". ?!?! ... Mercury is one of the most deadly toxins to life in the known universe. This was peer-reviewed in an elite journal and aired on your trusted television. Our scientific and media communities are deathly sick. This is but one of thousands of cases of peer-reviewed, scientific corruption.
Honest, Within-Subject Design studies are easily implementable in Canada for ALL vaccines. Demand their fair use in the safety controls at Health Canada.